Never a dull moment camping. The truth is we arrived at Taylors Arm (remote place only known for the 'Pub with no Beer') and what do you know but police dogs and a chopper arrived at the free camp and set up a base to do raids on the Marijuana crops in the hill country. The police were very friendly and we scored a tour of the chopper and a run down on what the crop looks like, how it grows and it's street value- this raid turned in $400,000 worth of crop and was a overt operation meaning we could know about it. They were just focussed on ripping out the crops before they came to harvest and made it to the street. The covert team runs the on famr under cover survielance to catch the crooks at other times. The whole affair made for a very entertaining day as the chopper came in and out with the haul and men were lowered into crops to rip them out.
Oh and did I mention we were actually quitely camping with Neil's folks despite it feeling like we were witnessing a Hollywood film set. So we enjoyed a drink at the 'Pub with no Beer' a name that suits a pub for Neil and I, two no drinkers to party at :).
A couple of days earlier we all got our birthday presents which was a days kyacking on the Bellinger river. Fun times and when things got tough a good gentlemany tow was a bonus :)
We had a few days with family kicking up our heels at the Tamworth country music festival. We saw Becky Cole (for free) and Kasey Chambers also for free- we are true cheap scapes :)Oh and the chook man who is still alive (I remember him been old 10yrs ago at the festival but he kicks on).
From Tamworth we headed in land to Orange and Bathurst (where we did a lap of Mount Panorama with our caravan in tow quite a sight).
Crossing the Hay Plains we saw numerous bush fires and then headed into a massive wall or smoke- thankfully the wind got going and before too long we realised we were in fact in a huge dust storm not a smoke cloud- dust storms are a regular out there. We camped along the Murray in the vineyards of Renmark and were offered grape picking/packing jobs which we declined.
We meandered across the SA border and down south to Mt Gambier's volcanic country. We stayed with Kate Rhook an old friend who made a great host and tour guide. The Blue Lake is stunning as are the caves, sinkholes and volcano's.
Well thats not where were up to but thats way too much reading for you for one sitting so next time we'll up date you on Mt Gambier to Adelaide where we currently are.
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